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God's Servants

Our leaders are among the most anointed teachers in God's Kingdom. They both demonstrate the quality of Humility, Integrity, Honesty, Faithfulness, Patience, Kindness, Love, Joy, and Peace. It is our pleasure to introduce our leaders to you.

Pastor Julius Koonce

Pastor Koonce is a graduate of Elon University (formerly known as Elon College) where earned a Bachelor of Science. He has owned several businesses which include PC Plus Systems Solutions (IT Solutions Provider), It's About Your Business (weekly Internet Show), and currently owns KBG (Koonce Business Group). These companies have equipped him to become a successful business leader. After receiving Christ at the age of 19 years old, Pastor Koonce started the journey of pursuing the things of God. After being planted with an Anointed Man of God, Pastor Koonce started to find purpose in life. God planted him with his father in the Gospel, The Late Bishop Otis Lockett who served as Pastor of Evangel Fellowship Word Ministries, Triad Christian Center, and National Director for Church Growth and Development for the Church Of God In Christ (COGIC) under the leadership of Bishop Charles E. Blake the Presiding Bishop of the Church of God In Christ. Pastor Koonce served faithfully in ministry under Apostle Lockett for over 23 years as Executive Director for Evangel Urban Ministry, Executive Director of School of Ministry, and currently serving as Executive Director of Christians In The Marketplace (where he is affectionately known as the "Marketplace Minister"). Apostle Lockett assigned Pastor Koonce and his wife to Grace Worship Center in Salisbury, NC in April of 2009. After several months of ministry, Pastor Koonce with the leading of the Lord and consulting with Apostle Lockett decided to relocate and rename the ministry to Christ Transformation Center. Pastor Koonce has been married to Tammy for over 28 years and they both have one child, Ephraim.

Lady Tammy Koonce

First Lady Koonce is a graduate of UNC-G (University of North Carolina at Greensboro, NC) and ECU (East Carolina University) where earned a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and a Master in Nursing Education, respectfully. She has worked in several fields of nurses which includes bedside nursing, congregational nurse, nurse legal consultant, and currently working as a nurse in public health. She is a very beautiful, loving and caring person to everyone she meets.

Where Lives Are Transformed And Discipleship Is Not An Option

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